• Shoats barn, Shevin Farm, Shelvin
  • Canterbury, Kent, CT4 6TL
  • בריטניה
  • תל:44-1303-844000
  • פקס:44-1303-844001
  • כתובת אתר:

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Uk Euroconnect Ltd are suppliers of print consumables to Africa and surrounding countries.


Many years experience supplying imagesetting film, printing plates including Ipagsa conventional and CTP. Brand names include Ipagsa, Agfa, Kodak, Fuji and Eurotech

Professional service and efficient supply to suppliers throughout Africa. Please call us 00441303844000 for details.

We can arrange shipping, bank transfers, technical training, documentation.

Printing Plates, Imagesetting Film, CTP, Inks, Chemicals, Fixesr, Developer, Technical assistance and back up.

Pantone guides available.

Ipagsa plates are now rated top quality within the industry call us if you would like information regarding a trial or sample.

Even if you cannot see the size of plate/film listed here we will probably have it in stock anyway so please do not hesitate to contact us to check.

We are also the parent company to UKEuroAV.

UKEuroAV are the Master Distributors of Global Cache control products in the UK and Ireland, dedicated to the efficient supply and support of dealers and audio-visual integrators. We can make automation happen anywhere with these products.


You can see a full selection of products listed here on our account. Including the GC-100 range and iTach products.

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